JOSHUA / CADE—Act 1 Scene 4
Joshua and Cade contemplate the death of Cade’s mother.
JOSHUA / CADE—Act 1, Scene 9
Cade discusses his relationship with his father and the two boys have a conversation about death and the afterlife.
JOSHUA / CADE—Act 2, Scene 1
Joshua and Cade talk about revealing their friendship to the town.
JOSHUA / CADE—Act 2, Scene 6
The boys discuss their relationship and Cade reveals a great secret.
LES / CADE—Act 1, Scene 6
Cade and his father discuss the strained relationship that has developed since the death of hiss mother, as well as the bond that has developed between he and Joshua.
LES / CADE—Act 2, Scene 8
After a confrontation between Cade and Les, the father and son discuss his future. Cade confesses that he tried to end his life, as well as his love for Joshua.
DAMIEN / EVA—Act 1, Scene -10
Damien talks to Eva bout his experience of coming to America as an immigrant. They argue about contrasting religious beliefs.
Elizabeth tells Joshua about her entry into the Queen of Halloween pageant and her promiscuity. Joshua talks about his plan to shock the town.
EVA / SARAH—Act 1, Scene 7
Eva talks to Sarah about how she met Damien after his immigration to America, and the subsequent hardships they have endured since their marriage.
DAMIEN / LES—ACT 2, Scene 3
Damien approaches Les with questions about why he is harassing his son, and ignoring his daughter’s flight. They discuss generational prejudice.
JOSHUA / CADE / LES—Act 2, Scene 5
Les overhears the boys plan to run away together and confronts Joshua.
JOSHUA / DAMIEN / EVA—Act 2, Scene 6
The Faizan family discusses Elizabeth’s disappearance, the reason why she ran, and the dysfunction in their family that might have caused it.
Scenes are recommended for actors 18 and over.
Please note: Cuttings from REVELATIONS are for educational and audition purposes only. Any use of the material for paid performance is a violation of copyright. If you have questions about these cuttings and their usage, please contact the author.